IFA 2022 will take place in Mexico City at the Sheraton Mexico City Maria Isabel Hotel.
Competition will take place on the Monday and Tuesday of March 14-15.
We look forward to the prospect of seeing you in Mexico City. For questions, please contact us at internationalforensics@gmail.com or visit our website www.intlforensics.org
COVID Policy- Since this tournament takes place in hotel sleeping rooms, proof of COVID vaccination is requested and strongly encouraged for everyone's protection. For participants unable to receive a vaccination, proof of a negative COVID test within 72 hours of registration on Sunday 5:00pm Central time will be required in order to compete. Masking while indoors will be required at all times for everyone not actively speaking from 6 feet distance during competition. Competitors who choose to remain masked while speaking should NOT be penalized for doing so. Presence in competition rooms will be limited to five participants with priority given to judges and competitors.