Our Plan to Grow Forensics


What we’re doing…

The Hired Judge Grant is an open funding source for forensics teams nationwide. $1 from every order through Hired Judge will be reserved for funding grant requests. Requests for funding are ongoing, and will be awarded every 500 judge orders.

What we hope will happen…

Hired Judge recognizes the challenges that growing forensics teams face. A chicken-egg dilemma, where we justify budgets with awards and success stories, but lack the funding necessary to achieve those ends. By making strategic investments in the community, we hope that the Hired Judge Grant will help new and growing teams bridge that gap.

The rules…

  1. Requests should be submitted through the order form below, or emailed directly to admin@hiredjudge.com.

  2. The grant recipient must have a tax-deductible entity to donate to.

  3. Details of how the $500 would make a sustainable difference in the growth of your team/tournament/forensics.