Tournament Contact: Angela Faoro
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Tournament Schedule
Prelims judged 8 AM Tuesday (3/22) to 6 PM Thursday (3/24).
Finalists announced at 7 PM Thursday via Tabroom Blast and email to each coach.
Finals judged 8 AM Friday to 2 PM Friday.
Awards announced 6 PM Friday via email to each coach.
Ballots and results posted online 8 PM Friday via the Tabroom software/site.
All Central Time Zone *If we can accelerate the schedule we will let you know via tabroom blast Awards will happen as soon as results are entered.
Trophies and Sweepstakes Awards:
- 6 competitors will advance to the finals
- Trophies will be awarded to 1st-3rd Place
- Medals will be awarded to 4th-6th Place - The top 3 schools will receive sweepstakes awards