Fishers Forensic Festival
Fishers High School would like to invite you to the annual Fishers Forensic Festival on January 8th, 2021.
Registration will run from 7:30 to 8:15. Teams that do not check in by 8:25 or communicate with tab about their status risk being dropped from the tournament.
The tournament will start with a judges meet, extemp draw, and WSD Impromptu prep at 8:30 AM Eastern Time.
Round 1 for all events will be at 9.
Contestants can double at their own risk in every speech event except for Discussion. Contestants may triple at their own risk but CANNOT triple across radio and extemp.
There will be no novice competition at this meet.
We will offer all IHSFA speech and debate events. Sorry, no extra fun ones this year.
In order to give students practice for the major tournaments, in all speech events we will run three rounds, a semi-final, and a final regardless of the number of entries.
Congress will run two prelim sessions and a final session.
Public Forum, Lincoln Douglas, WSD, and Policy will run 5 straight rounds, power matching rounds 3 through 5.
Extemp Draw is @ 8:30 AM. Students will draw for all extemp rounds.
Radio format:
1 – 5 minute news program (music Lead in/ Lead out/ Commercial on an product to be published later.) NEWSCAST prepared by student
2 minute On the Spot
3- News Program Repeats
Semifinal- 2 minute editorial written on site. Students will have 30 minutes to prep.
Final- News Program Repeats with the addition of the editorial. 8 minute max.
Judges _ 1 judge for every 5 entries. But feel free to commit more. The more judges we have the better off we are.
We will have one judge per prelim round and three per final. We would like to have three judges per semi, but that depends on the number of judges entered.
World Schools topics will be announced closer to the tournament. WSD will have two prepared motions (rd 2, 3, and seminfinal) and two impromptu rounds (rd 1, final). In round 3, students will debate the opposite side of the round 1 topic.
Other debate events will use the January NSDA topics.
Congress Bills will be published closer to the tournament. We will be drawing from the January IHSFA docket.
Discussion artifacts will be published the Monday prior to the meet.
Each school may enter up to 6 contestants in each event and 2 WSD teams of up to 5 contestants.
All other IHSFA rules apply
Finalists and Semifinalists will all receive ribbons, with trophies for the event champions. We will award trophies to the top 10 teams.
FOOD WILL BE PROVIDED ALL DAY. Please help us offset the cost of hosting by purchasing food and drinks.
Entries will be due January 5th @ 5pm. That is both Speech and Debate.
Let me know what questions you have! Looking forward to seeing you then!